Celebrity lifestyle and fashion from Posh24.com: Super Hunk Bradley Cooper Got Dumped For Being A Foot Fetishist!

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Super Hunk Bradley Cooper Got Dumped For Being A Foot Fetishist!
Jan 31st 2013, 13:51

Bradley Cooper really isn't very good at being single . After breaking up with Zoe Saldana, super hunky Bradley has been dating a bunch of girls, and latest he was having a blast with model Laura Simpson. But the romance turned into dust, when Laura started feeling awkward around him. "After a bunch of dates, things got very awkward", a source tells.

Bradley is known for having a thing for feet and was asking Laura very often to send him picture of hers. "He was always touching her feet. It was weird, so she broke it off". We hope he's not completely heartbroken now! (intouchweekly)

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