Celebrity lifestyle and fashion from Posh24.com: Kris Jenner Upset About Kim K Not Including Baby On Their Show!

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Kris Jenner Upset About Kim K Not Including Baby On Their Show!
Jan 31st 2013, 11:35

Momager Kris Jenner is really super excited about becoming a grandmother again, since her daughter Kim Kardashian is pregnant for the first time. Now she's opened up a little about Kim's pregnancy cravings, and it's really not something out of the ordinary: "Last night she craved French fries Chinese chicken salad and artichokes", Kris tells.

But having this baby with Kanye West means that the whole world is watching, and since they're all on their reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, people have questioned if the baby will appear - which he or she will not. "The baby is not going to be on our show... When the baby's old enough... or when he or she decides that's what they want to do, then that will be a decision", Kim recently stated - which made her mom furious. "Kris really wants the baby to be on the show since it will increase the viewers", a Kardashian insider tells. We think Kim's decision is very mature, and we think she'll be an amazing mother! (celebitchy)

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